- A recipe used in Ayurveda since ancient times, Chyawanprash offers a wide range of health benefits.
- Dabur Chyawanprash provides strong immunity and good digestion for children and adults alike.
- Two spoons daily of Dabur Chyawanprash supports immunity and is beneficial for overall health and wellbeing.
- It is also good for the digestive and respiratory systems.
- The primary action of Dabur Chyawanprash is to bolster the immune system and to support the body’s natural ability to fight illnesses.
- Amalaki (the main ingredient) aids in the elimination of ama (toxins).
- Therefore, regular use of Dabur Chyawanprash helps strengthen the body’s natural defence systems.
- It builds the essence of immunity, promoting systemic health and well-being. ingredients of Dabur Chyawanprash are scientifically validated for their beneficial effects on health.
- It is considered one of the best family tonics—suitable for all ages from young children to the elderly. (Children above 3 years of age)
- Ingredienser:
- Emblica Officinalis (Amla/Myrobalan) – Frugt (47,493%)
- Sukker (34,353%)
- Honning (8,201%)
- Sesamum Indicum (Sesamolie) – (1,155%)
- Pueraria Tuberosa (Indisk Kudzu) – Rodknold (0,741%)
- Piper Longum (Lang peber) – Frugt (0,741%)
- Bambusa Bambos (Bambus manna) – Siliceous concretions (0,493%)
- Dioscorea Bulbifera (Luftkartoffel) – Rod (0,494%)
- Withania Somnifera (Vinterkirsebær) – Rod (0,494%)
- Asparagus Racemosus (Aspargesrod) – (0,494%)
- Elettaria Cardamomum (Kardemomme) – Frugt (0,365%)
- Clerodendrum Phlomidis (Hovedpinetræ) – Stammebark (0,247%)
- Oroxylum Indicum (Indisk trompetblomst) – Stammebark (0,247%)
- Gmelina Arborea (Kashmirtræ) – Stammebark (0,247%)
- Stereospermum Suaveolens (Roseblomst) – Stammebark (0,247%)
- Solanum Indicum (Indisk natskygge) – Plante (0,247%)
- Solanum Surattense (Tornet natskygge) – Plante (0,247%)
- Desmodium Gangeticum (Saltbusk) – Plante (0,247%)
- Uraria Picta (Urariaplante) – Plante (0,247%)
- Tribulus Terrestris (Landkapsejlere) – Plante (0,247%)
- Phaseolus Trilobus (Vild grøn bønne) – Frugt (0,247%)
- Teramnus Labialis (Hesteklatplante) – (0,247%)
- Pistacia Integerrima (Krabbeklo) – Galle (0,247%)
- Phyllanthus Niruri (Fjerfaldende plante) – (0,247%)
- Vitis Vinifera (Rosiner) – Tørret frugt (0,247%)
- Leptadenia Reticulata (Korksvælgerurt) – Rod (0,247%)
- Inula Racemosa (Irsk rod) – Rod (0,247%)
- Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Kanel) – Stammebark (0,247%)
- Terminalia Chebula (Chebul Myrobalan) – Perikarp (0,247%)
- Tinospora Cordifolia (Hjerteløvet mÃ¥nefrø) – Stamme (0,247%)
- Curcuma Zedoaria (Zedoa ingefær) – Rhizom (0,247%)
- Cyperus Rotundus (Nødagtigt græs) – Rod (0,247%)
- Boerhavia Diffusa (Spredende urt) – Plante (0,247%)
- Elettaria Cardamomum (Kardemomme) – Frugt (0,247%)
- Nymphaea Stellata (Vandliljeblomst) – (0,247%)
- Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Lakridsrod) – Rod & Skud (0,247%)
- Syzygium Aromaticum (Nelliker) – Knop (0,247%)
- Cinnamomum Tamala (Løvblad) – Blad (0,247%)
- Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Kanel) – Blade (0,247%)